Borgo dei Mastri

Network of high quality psychiatric residential facilities in Southern Italy.

Visite site

Paterno Calabro (Cosenza)

Management Buyout

Economic and social premises

The availability of psychiatric treatment and rehabilitation services is not sufficient to meet people’s needs, especially in Southern Italy, due to the distance of public facilities from their places of residence and the uncompetitive prices of private services.

The role of Oltre

The entry of Oltre and other co-investors into the share capital of Borgo dei Mastri aims to support its growth in other Italian regions through aggregations and synergies with other existing structures.




patients helped each year


provided to patients

The impact of Borgo dei Mastri

Borgo dei Mastri is one of the largest facilities in the South of the country, specializing in psychiatric care and rehabilitation, with a recovery path of the highest quality within a residential park of 35,000 square meters available to the 150 patients admitted to the facility.